
Following the successful tradition of previous venues, NetSci2013 will host a number of stimulating satellite symposia on June 3 and 4 as precursors of the main conference. These satellite events are shorter meetings with a specific focus related to network science.

Practical information

venue: Technical University of Copenhagen (DTU), campus in Lyngby (DTU Meeting Center); follow this link for directions, in particular by public transportation.

There will be free busses from central Copenhagen (Tivoli) to DTU on Monday and Tuesday. For details see Practical Information.

A floor map of DTU Meeting center can be found map_symposia_052513.

Participants who are also registered for the main NetSci conference will be able to claim their conference package at DTU on Monday/Tuesday.

List of satellite meetings at NetSci2013
(for deadlines and further information of the individual satellites click on the links/titles)
A printable overview schedules can be found here: schedule_symposia_052513 (start and end times subject to change).

Monday (June 3, 2013)

Tuesday (June 4, 2013)

A printable version of the original announcement can be found here: call for satellites.

Previous satellites at NetSci conferences:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email (

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