The Network Science Society, among whose missions is to support the activity of outstanding young researchers in the area of network science, has established the Erdős–Rényi prize in the field of network science and its applications.
1. Aim and Criteria
The 2013 Erdős–Rényi Prize is awarded to a selected young scientist (under 40 years old on the day of the nomination deadline) for their achievements in research activities in the area of network science, broadly construed. While the achievements can be both theoretical and experimental, the prize is aimed at emphasizing outstanding contributions relevant to the interdisciplinary progress of network science.
2. The Prize
The Erdős–Rényi Prize will be assigned for 2013 to a single scientist under the age of 40. The prize consists of a cash award in the amount of US $3,000, a Diploma and the honor of a lecture at the International School and Conference on Network Science. The prize awarding ceremony and lecture will take place in a special session at the conference portion of NetSci 2013 on June 3-7, at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark. Attending the award ceremony is binding for the prize assignment (travel expenses to the award ceremony will be covered by the Network Science Society).
3. Submission of Candidacies
The winners will be selected by the Scientific Commission appointed by the Network Science Society board and made by a minimum of 4 prominent scientists active in the area of network science. Their name will be made public only after the official communication of the prize recipient. The winner of the prize is selected among the candidacies received within the deadline indicated below. Each candidacy must be submitted by one guarantor, who will have to provide a short letter of motivation, signed by one or more sponsors of the candidate. Guarantors or sponsors of the candidature can be:
- Directors and research leaders of national and international research centers;
- University professors;
- Partners and members of Scientific Academies.
Self-candidatures will not be accepted.
4. Candidature Dossier
The guarantor of the candidacy is required to submit the candidature dossier drawn up in English and including the following:
1) Letter of motivation signed from the sponsors of the candidature.
2) Candidate’s curriculum vitae.
3) List of scientific publications related to the candidate’s research activities in the area of network science.
The whole dossier should be submitted via email to . The files related to the candidacy documents will have to be in PDF or Word format.
5. Selection of Candidatures
The Scientific Commission is fully and exclusively endowed with the responsibility of assessing the eligibility of candidatures, examining and selecting the dossiers of the admitted candidates, and choosing the winner. The Scientific Commission will communicate the choice of the winner by April 30th 2013.
6. Deadline for Candidacy Submission
The candidacy dossier, including all documents as per part. 4, has to be received at the above e-mail address before March 15th , 2013.
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